Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Acts of Immorality

Dear Zeynep,as promised, I have another masterpiece ready for your enjoyment. Today's entry is so immoral and irresponsible that I sometimes feel disgusted about being an Indonesian because these stuff happens in Indonesia all the time so I find myself able to relate to this really well. In the chaotic times of war, Marjie and her family still felt there is a need for party and they were enjoying the party and going against the government because they were having all sorts of things that were banned in those times. Suddenly, the wailing sounds of the siren became a party pooper and broke the party sending everyone into a panic frenzy. The next thing that happens is truly what boils my blood and I feel like she does not deserve the blessing of having a child. One of Marjie's Aunts actually has the nerve of being so immoral and irresponsible that she dumped her baby into Marjie's hands the moment the siren wailed and tried to flee for her pathetic life (Satrapi107). At least in Indonesia it was better eventhough it was immoral just the same they dumped their baby because most of the lower classes are so poor that they do not have the means to care for the baby. The second immoral act happened after the party when Marjie and her family was going home. On the way, they were stopped by soldier supposedly doing "inspections" for any violations they may have made and went so far as following them home. Yet as soon, Marjie's father gave the soldier some money, he was gone faster than a sandwich placed in my hand (Satrapi108-110). This is truly an immoral act that I find relates to Indonesia a lot because there you can literally bribe a policeman with money if they stop you and they will let you go. This truly makes me feel ashamed of my own people sometimes. So I hope my summary has been informative for you so that you may not have to own the book to know the story. See ya later and next time I'll have another masterpiece waiting for you.

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