Tuesday, November 18, 2008

To Torture or not to Torture, That is the question.

This is a response to Rachmawi's presentation on torture. First of all, I would like to offer Rachmawi and his partner Melisa a round of applause because they truly did a good job. I have to agree with you that what happens in Guantanamo Bay is truly inhumane and that all humans deserve some human rights at some point. It is true that what our soon to be President Obama is doing the right thing trying to close Guantanamo Bay Detention center but on the other hand I find myself wondering the same thing as the reporters what should we do about future terrorist especially those who have been caught yet the targets that they plan to bomb are not saved yet? How can we get them to disclose the location of the bomb because terrorist are always ready to die for their cause and even if we just execute them it won't get them to talk. There is never an easy answer to situations like this but I hope for our future that President Obama is making the right decision.
In response to Melisa's presentation, Great job excellent pictures( even though it is gory, disgusting, and not excellent for the people in the pictures). It is truly devastating inhumane and I am using this terms really loosely. Words cannot describe the horror of their actions. Yet in a way, your presentation in a way can be a contradicting fact to Rachmawi's presentation.Let us say that a Japanese soldier about to kill its prisoners is the same situation as a terrorist about to bomb its target. In this situations, can you afford not to torture the Japanese soldier so as to get them to disclose where they keep their prisoners from ending up like those in the picture? Often times Japanese are so loyal that they are willing to die ( Harakiri) in order to protect their honor ( disloyalty is the most disgraceful thing you can do) so how can we save the prisoners from ending up like in the pictures if we don't inflict pain on them until they give up? So in conclusion, yes I feel strongly that detention centres like Guantanamo Bay needs to be shut down but I also feel Torture is needed for certain cases but only as a last resort.


Melisa said...

Indra.. your blog it great! I think that you should not address the post to just one person because there are many more people reading your blog. ^^

Christine said...

WOW Indra! I like the way you talked about Guantanamo Bay and how it was similar to the Nanking Massacre. Really makes me angry! >=[